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文学部英語英文学科 教授 ナイト ティモシィ 教育学修士

I 教育活動
教育実践上の主な業績 年月日 概要
My role a facilitator2004-現在Especially in language classes
Connecting with students2004-現在I make a big effort to learn the names of my students in the first few weeks of class. In this way I can connect better and this makes class management easier.
Giving options for research2006-現在I believe that students have greater motivation for studying when they are able to choose
Editor of Pragmatics Matters2011-現在I have been editing 3 newsletter-journals a year for the JALT Pragmatics SIG.
Certificate in Podcasting、 A Short Training Course2012年 7月 15-30日I took this online training course with The Consultants-e internet teaching organization to develop my technology-in-teaching skills、 in particular to learn how to use podcasting、 both with audio and video. I have since used some of these techniques in my journalism-media English class.
Talking About Britain (鶴見商店)2003年3月1日This book introduces modern British society to students. Each unit's title asks a question which is often asked about Britain or the British. My writing answers it. There are TOEFL style questions after the readings.
ネイティブだったらこう言うねPHP (with 松本祐香)2005年4月18日This is not directly concerned with classes. But the phrases are useful and fun for students to read and perhaps learn.
Pragmatics/談話分析 handouts (unpublished)2006年ー現在For this course I have been adapting academic books to make handouts which are accessible for students. The handouts partly explain difficult concepts and partly provide tasks for students to do language analysis.
Media English (Perceptia Press)2010年 3月 30日This book introduces the English used in the news media to students and provides tasks for students to interact with the media.
Welcome to Britain (鶴見書店)2012年3月1日This is a new book looking at British society. There are 15 units and topics. Something new in this book is the way the unit's readings are divided into 3 sections. This is more user-friendly and easier for most students to deal with than having a long text to read in one stretch.
Pragtivities: Bringing Pragmatics to Second Language ClassroomsDec. 2012I was one of the four editors of this volume of papers which are aimed at introducing
pragmatics to students of English. There were 64 papers (two of which I wrote) of
materials, with academic rationale, for teaching to university and high school students.
Making a difference: Teacher motivation and stress management.2006年10月7日This talk at the Professional Development in Language Teaching conference
Teaching Practicum: a report2006年10月8日This talk with my Shirayuri College colleagues 川口先生 and 倉済先生 was about our summer intensive course which gives student teachers practical training.
Getting at humour through pragmatics2007年5月9日This presentation was about teaching parts of the academic discipline of pragmatics through the use of humour in comedy films
Journalistic feature writing - a bridge from a 3-paragraph essay to a graduation thesis.2007年9月15日This presentation was about assigning a journalistic feature writing task to students a way to help them prepare for writing a longer research paper or graduation thesis.
Poster presentations from topic statements2007年9月23日This talk at the West Tokyo JALT meeting described a presentations project which I organize for my advanced oral communication class.
Topic statements to Poster presentations2008年11月1日This presentation was about the presentations project
Lecture Ready review2008年1月1日I published a review of a textbook in The Language Teacher journal.
Poster presentations from topic statements2008年2月24日At the Cambodia TESOL Conference in Phnom Penh I repeated the talk above
II 研究活動
著書・論文等の名称 単/共 発行・発表の
デリケート・ダイナミクス。ビートルズの核心にある解散を女性の新鮮な視点で見る単著20201201白百合女子大研究紀要 白百合女子大学 5641-65
Comparing ways of distributing peer evaluations, after student presentations in class or online単著20220207Remote Teaching and Beyond JALTCALL.54-69
New Technologies, Familiar Challenges: The DeepL Impact...!共同20230816EuroCALL 2023Bruce Lander
Sharing presentation peer feedback: An assessment of three different methods for collecting and distributing peer evaluations after presentations in the classroom and online. 単独20230817EuroCALL 2023
Comparing ways of distributing peer evaluations, after student presentations in class or online単独JALTCALL2021
The society that gave rise to the Beatles.単独
III 学会等および社会における主な活動
年月日 学会等名称
AAAL (American Association for Applied Linguistics)
International Association of Teaching English a Foreign Language (IATEFL)