スミス セシリア
スミス セシリア 講師
My teaching background is both in teaching Humanities, in particular History, as well as teaching English as a Foreign Language. I am particularly interested in combining English teaching with Humanities so that students gain knowledge about the contemporary and historical issues and the skills to analyze them. My other ongoing academic interest is helping students to become autonomous English learners, and more particularly how they can work together with their classmates to develop co-operative autonomy.
担当科目 |
Japanese Society
Japanese History
Global History
Third Year Seminar.
担当科目の内容 | In all of my classes I like to use English to do real world” tasks and primary research. This includes activities such conducting interviews, surveys, making travel plans, reviewing plays or exhibitions and site studies. In 2016, this included gashuku to Okinawa. Learning English in this way, students get the chance to simultaneously expand their knowledge, develop their thinking skills and pursue their interests. When students learn subjects through English, it also gives more chance to develop the ability to understand different points of view, and see familiar situations in different ways. With a rapidly globalizing world with increased demographic pressures, these are critical skills to develop.
The writing classes aim to develop language, content and analytical skills which prepare students for writing an English language thesis in their final year.
Introduction to comparative culture courses which aims to develop vocabulary, knowledge and skills that are necessary for comparative culture courses in 2nd-4th year.
Third Year Seminar
This course connects to and builds on themes from the Japanese Society, Japanese History and Global History elective classes. The first semester focuses on Japanese demographics and changes in population. The second semester focuses on conflict and
Japanese Society
This class focuses on changes in Japanese society and encourages students to consider how and why changes have come about. Students conduct a small group quantitative research project about a contemporary Japanese issue.
Global History
This class focuses on foundation principles of western and contemporary global society. The course traces the ideas of the Enlightenment, imperialism and decolonization.
Japanese History
This class focuses on historiography and the way that the same events can often be seen quite differently depending on where the history is viewed from. Students in this course undertake an individual research project interviewing a person from an older generation about the past.
業績 |
『Crossing over the TOEIC Bridge TEST 』 E.H.Hirose、S.Yoshizawa、M.Tsuneyasu, C. Fujishima 株式会社金星堂 2011
「Tokyo’s Sober Calm」(「震災後の東京の現状」を英ガーディアン紙に寄稿)
The Guardian(英国日刊新聞)12/3/2011
Tokyo Shoseki Prominence 1,2,3, proof reading, re-writing, (2013- ongoing)
Tokyo Shoseki Prominence 1 Author teacher’s supplementary handbook (2016)
Conference Presentations
24/09/16 JALT CUE Osaka: Scaffolding in the CLIL classroom:
23/05/16 JALT PANSIG: Opening minds with Graphical Analysis.
03/04/16 ACEID Studies in Historical Memory: A path to contemporary understanding
23/02/16 Cambodia TESOL: Emailing: Co-operatively Autonomous Output
31/01/2016 ETJ Tokyo Expo: Thematic Content Units for Deep Learning
19/07/2015 JALT Nakasendo: Emailing: Interactive Autonomy.
30/05/2015 Yokohama JALT My Share – Building language awareness and reflection through voice recording
06/12/2011 Tohoku Planning Forum “Temporary Housing:Leadership and the Future" (co-presenter)
12/02/2012 Tohoku Voices through Research Sophia University (co-presenter)
03/2010 JALT Omiya MyShare: Teaching English through History, Historical Movies and Docudrama
経歴 |
Bachelor of Arts (hons), History, Sydney University
Graduate Diploma of Education (History and Social Studies) Sydney University.
TESOL Training Centre Sydney, CELTA
Masters of Arts (Global Studies ) , Sophia University
English Teachers of Japan (ETJ)